Let’s start this off with a super-casual question:

What is the meaning of life?

To remember, to experience, to create, to evolve, to love.

What does that require of us?

To be present, curious, accepting, trusting, and connected.

When your soul chose to incarnate into this specific body at this specific time, it made a choice to move from an all-encompassing energetic experience of love and wholeness, of having immediate access to the infinite wisdom of the universe, to being confined by the limitations of physical reality and forgetting where it came from - the only true source of everything. to experience the fullness of life and to express the fullness of our essence

To remember that vast wisdom that we already know and the innate intelligence that permeates our cells, to create the freshest, most dazzling, expansive versions of ourselves yet.

To remember, that exactly like the source from which we came, we are ultimate creators - that we can manifest whatever reality that we’d like on the physical plane once we remember how to work on the energetic plane.

Connection / Relationship

Presence / Experience

Acceptance / Love

How do we embrace more wonder, spaciousness, clarity, and depth in each moment?

By including all of it: the silence and the sound, the stillness and the movement, the pain and the pleasure, the darkness and the light, and everything in-between. By choosing not to deny a single facet of the human experience. We are here to remember who we are - and the only way to truly do that is to allow ourselves to experience what we are not.

The holy trinity: mind, body, and soul - what are the qualities of each in this present moment?