Essential Oils
Before we dive in: If you came here with your eyes on the prize and you’re ready to get some essential oils in your life, feel free to walk this way.
For everyone else, let’s kick it old school for a sec.
Remember how big of a deal your teacher made about homeostasis back in elementary school biology class? You’re sitting at your desk thinking, “yeah, yeah, I get it - our bodies want to be in balance, animals want to be in balance, plants want to be in balance - big whoop. When’s lunch?”
And, yeah - homeostasis may sound like a snooze, but it’s actually one of the keys to life - because when we’re under too much stress physically, mentally, or emotionally, our inner equilibrium is thrown off and we create a perfect breeding ground for disease.
We’re pretty overstimulated these days, which means we have a ton of potential stressors in our orbit at any given time. And while the body is amazingly self-regulating and is generally damn good at keeping things balanced, it’s inevitable that we’ll max out our stress capacity sometimes (or on the regular, depending on how you live your life).
This is why we want to extend a helping hand to our cells and body systems - but we’ve gotta make sure that whatever we’re bringing to the table is something that’s going to work synergistically with our body (meaning, it creates zero side effects or additional stressors) and addresses the root of what we’re dealing with on a cellular level (because simply slapping band-aids on symptoms is the same as playing pretend).
This is why I’ve built myself a super simple, but incredibly powerful arsenal of the highest quality essential oils available and use them for everything from healthcare, to self-care, to home-care (it’s baffling how many products I’ve been able to replace, and how many health concerns I’ve resolved with these little bottles of plants).
Does my body know how to heal itself on its own? For sure. Does it need to lean on a support squad sometimes to get back into a state of homeostasis so it can get to work healing? Heck yes. Teamwork makes the dream work, and essential oils can turbocharge the results you’re seeking in lots of different ways.
Why are essential oils my support squad of choice? Well, for so many reasons, but primarily because:
A. they’re part of nature and so are humans (synergy, baby)
B. their life purpose is to bring homeostasis back to the cells
C. if you’re using high-quality oils (more on that later), they’re mind-blowingly effective
Before we dive much deeper, I should probably back up a bit and explain what essential oils even are for the newbies in the house (welcome, my future crazy plant friends)!
Let’s walk through this FAQ style for the sake of efficiency, simply click each Question to expand each Answer below:
+ Q: What are essential oils?
A: Have you ever peeled an orange and smelled that insanely fresh, intoxicating aroma that bursts from its skin? If so, you’ve experienced essential oils.
Essential oils are the natural aromatic compounds found in plants (extracted from flowers, roots, bark, stems, resins, leaves, peels, and seeds). They’re tiny organic molecules that are dedicated to keeping the plant healthy, helping it heal from infection and physical injury, warding off predators, and attracting pollinators for reproductive purposes.
Basically, they’re the superheroes of the plant world.
They’re 50-70 times more powerful than dried herbs, to boot (i.e. 1 drop of peppermint essential oil = 28 cups of peppermint tea).
And they’ve been used by humans for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits for centuries (because, homeostasis).
+ Q: Why are they effective?
A: On average, each essential oil is made up of around 100 chemical compounds - and since different chemical compounds have different therapeutic benefits - they’re super versatile. They’re like those people who have highly-technical science brains AND also really know how to work the room at a party (ugh, how are they good at everything?!).
If you’re looking for a true form of holistic healthcare - look no further. With just one drop, these babies are able to influence the mind, body, and spirit in pretty miraculous ways. Both humans and plants are part of nature, so once essential oils enter our body they’re in a familiar environment and can get to work on our behalf right down at the cellular level (which means they can help us address health concerns at their root cause).
+ Q: How do I select them?
A: Most people don’t realize it, but knowing how to select a brand of oils to work with is the most important piece of the puzzle because approximately 80% of all essential oils on the market are adulterated. Being an educated consumer is crucial to ensure your personal safety - which is easy to do if you know what to look for, so don’t stress.
The key factors to focus on when selecting essential oils are purity, potency, and sourcing methods. A high-quality, trustworthy brand of essential oils will offer full transparency to consumers around all of these things on their website:
- Purity: You want to make sure there’s no funny business going on in your bottle of oil. That means absolutely no adulterations, fillers, pesticides, herbicides, or other contaminants. We’re focused on eliminating toxins from your body and environment – not adding more! Ensuring the oils you’re using are put through rigorous third-party testing to verify that they’re pure therapeutic grade is absolutely essential (pardon the pun), and the brand you choose to use should offer access to the tests that show you, the consumer, exactly what’s in the bottle of oil you’re holding.
- Potency: In order for an essential oil to be as powerful and effective as possible, each plant has to be grown in its indigenous region, in an optimal climate, and be harvested at its peak of potency. Lavender grown in Bulgaria (where it’s native) will have very different chemistry than Lavender grown in the US. The Lavender from Bulgaria will have far superior and versatile therapeutic properties because it was grown in the environmental conditions where it best thrives.
- Sourcing Method: Focusing on the welfare of the farmers and artisans who are providing the raw materials for essential oil production is also super important. These people live all over the globe, many of the in developing countries, and the brand of essential oils that I personally use (dōTERRA) puts them first – creating infrastructure for their communities, and providing a reliable, fair wage so they can continue to do the work they love while harvesting the most pure, potent plants possible. You also want to ensure that your oils are grown sustainably to ensure there’s no unnecessary harm being done to the environment. We’re here to love on mama nature, not hurt her.
At the end of the day, you need to be choosy with everything you’re putting into your body (you only get one) – and unfortunately, the bottles of essential oils lining the shelves of your local health food store don’t live up to these high standards of quality.
+ Q: How can I use them?
A: There are three ways of using pure therapeutic grade essential oils (and, remember - quality is the most important thing for your personal safety):
- Aromatically - Essential oils, when diffused, can be very stimulating, while others can be calming and soothing. Diffusing essential oils can also cleanse and purify the air.
- Topically - Essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and many can be safely applied topically when used in conjunction with a carrier oil.
- Internally - Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions. Note: the vast majority of essential oil brands are not safe for internal use, but dōTERRA is.
+ Q: Why is the brand you choose important?
A: The brand you're using should share their purity standards and testing practices openly (rigorous third-party testing of every batch is KEY) so you can rest assured that you're not unintentionally adding toxins to your life. dōTERRA has uncompromising purity and potency standards and runs far more tests than any other brand (54 tests on every batch) between third-party labs and their in-house scientific team, which they then share online for anyone to access. This is extra-important because, as I mentioned before, 80% of essential oils on the market are adulterated (even many of the big-name brands you see all over social media), and they purposely make it very tricky for us to be educated consumers.
+ Q: Which brand do you recommend?
A: I almost-exclusively source my oils from dōTERRA for a whole pile of reasons, but the top three are:
- They have the most tested, most trusted oils in the world (consumer safety and oil efficacy, for the win).
- They’re redefining healthcare as we know it and leading the charge in developing and expanding the science around how essential oils are used in both medical and at-home settings.
- Integrity and heart are the backbone of their business.
Aside from superior essential oil quality - impact is THE thing that compels me to be brand-loyal to dōTERRA.
Every single time I make a purchase from them for products to support my own health and happiness, I know that my money is getting circulated around the globe to benefit the health and happiness of communities that need support, and also to helping to revolutionize (very broken) healthcare systems.
Impact is quite literally baked into the company's DNA via their mission, their Co-Impact Sourcing model, their non-profit, the Healing Hands Foundation, and their new Prime Meridian Health Clinics.Their biz practices speak directly to my soul. Let me explain...
- Co-Impact Sourcing: dōTERRA has an incredibly intricate model called Co-Impact Sourcing that sources 130 oils from over 45 different countries (over half of which are developing nations). Instead of buying plots of land all over the world, they invest in long-term partnerships with the people and communities - helping them continue on as proprietors of their own land, empowering them with fair conditions and pay for their work (even paying them higher rates in lower-yield seasons), and further uplifting their communities with their non-profit, the Healing Hands Foundation. When deciding on a place to source an oil, dōTERRA looks for two big things: 1. Where does this plant best thrive (so the customer can reap the max benefits of the oils)?, and 2. Where can they have the greatest positive impact on growers and distillers (so they can bring hope and opportunities to those who could most benefit from it)?
- Healing Hands Foundation: In partnership with their non-profit, dōTERRA prioritizes projects that are thoughtful, impactful, and sustainable - with major focuses on: microcredit lending, human trafficking prevention/rescue/aftercare efforts, feminine hygiene education, disaster relief, and all sorts of different community projects that they partner with Wellness Advocates (like me) on. They partner with beautiful non-profits like Mentors International, Days for Girls, Operation Underground Railroad, Rapha House, and 3Strands Global to increase their reach and impact even more.
- Prime Meridian Health Clinics: They decided that they didn't want to just stop at providing world-class essential oils and products - they’ve now begun disrupting the entire healthcare industry (in the best way possible) with Prime Meridian Health Clinics (PMHC). PMHC is an integrative medicine group committed to providing a patient-centric healthcare experience by delivering increased affordability, transparency, satisfaction and health outcomes for both the patient and physician through a subscription-based model. This model is designed to be a revolution in worldwide healthcare, and the clinics have already started popping up around the United States.
I also source select oils in my personal collection from Monara Essential Oils as I trust their heart and integrity, and they offer some beautiful oils that dōTERRA doesn't have in their current selection.
Creating Your Own Oil Toolkit
Ready to become the natural healer in your home? You’re a legend - I’m so inspired when people choose to empower themselves in this way. Let’s dive into the different options for getting started, and you can choose your own adventure from there (and I’ll be here for support when you need me throughout your essential oil journey, of course).
Two things I’m always mindful of when helping people decide what to start with - ensuring they have the appropriate oils/products for their lifestyle goals, and helping them save the most money.
With that said, the best place to start for the vast majority of people is an enrollment kit, not only do these ensure you have an expertly-curated collection of oils and/or wellness products disposal, but you save a ton of extra cash on your first order.
In addition to that, signing up with an enrollment kit allows you to waive the $35 enrollment fee that you’d incur if you chose a handful of random oils to start with - AND gives you access to wholesale pricing (25% off) on your future orders (meaning you’ll have access to the same pricing as me).
Now, what to choose? Let’s break down the top options.
If you’re just here for the oils:
The Healthy Start Kit
Price: $160
If enrollment kits could win high school superlatives, this baby would be “Most Popular”. It was designed to give you the tools to address 80% of your health and lifestyle goals at home, putting you firmly in the driver’s seat of your own health and happiness. It has 5ml bottles (approx 80 drops each) of the top 10 most-popular, versatile essential oils, plus a kickass diffuser (which is a huge key to reaping the max benefits of your oils).
The Simple Solutions Kit
Price: $105
This cutie little kit can serve a couple of rad purposes, either: 1. It’s a great way to dip your toes into the world of essential oils by targeting common health goals (like sleep, stress, immunity, pain, and detoxification, to name a few), or 2. As the base of your own custom enrollment kit, where you can add anything else that you’d like to try on top of this collection (and still save extra cash by using this kit to waive the $35 wholesale account enrollment fee).
The Aroma Essentials Kit
Price: $155
If you’re looking for simple ways to eliminate toxins at home, aromatic products are some of the easiest places to start. That’s what this collection is all about - to make sure your home feels like a sanctuary by creating a clean, calming, gorgeous-smelling environment. Saying goodbye to synthetic fragrances from candles, air fresheners, and other scented products in your space doesn’t mean you have to give up the wonderful aromas you love so much. This kit includes 10 of dōTERRA’s most popular oil blends, and a beautiful diffuser.
The Home Essentials Kit
Price: $270
This kit has a similar goal to the Healthy Start Kit - to give you the tools to address 80% of your wellness and lifestyle goals at home, putting you firmly in the driver’s seat of your own health and happiness - but it has a few differences. In this kit you’ll still find 10 bottles of some of the most-popular, versatile essential oils, but the oil bottles are larger at 15 ml (approx 250 drops each), and the diffuser is a larger size, as well.
If you’re here for the oils, but also a lifestyle overhaul:
The Healthy Habits Kit
Price: $195
If you’re looking for a solid set of simple daily habits to ensure you look and feel younger, longer - this is it. It’s got my fav supplements and digestive aids of all time - the Lifelong Vitality Pack (aka LLV - doTERRA’s #1 selling product), TerraZyme (digestive enzymes), and PB Assist+ (probiotics), plus 5 key essential oils and Deep Blue rub. It’s like your personal health insurance policy in a box.
The Natural Solutions Kit
Price: $450
For those of you that aren’t messing around and are ready to upgrade your health and detoxify your life, once and for all (this is actually the kit that started it all for me). You’ll get a badass arsenal of 13 essential oils, a gorgeous diffuser, the best supplements and digestive aids in all the land, non-toxic swaps for your everyday products, and a wooden oil storage box. This is the gift to yourself (or your loved ones) that just keeps giving, and giving.
Sweet. Now that we’ve covered the options it’s time to choose your own adventure:
Frequently Asked Questions (for newbies)
Am I required to place a monthly order?
Absolutely not - this is a no-strings-attached kind of deal. My goal is to ensure you feel empowered to use these essential oils and products to optimize your health, happiness, and environment, but at the end of the day, placing orders is in your own hands (as it should be).
Do I have to sell essential oils to enjoy them at wholesale prices?
Nope! The vast majority of members are simply Wholesale Customers - people who enhance their daily lives by using essential oils and other top-notch wellness products. If you’d like to explore the idea of upgrading to a Wellness Advocate (which is free, but allows you to earn an income by educating others) that’s an option, but not a requirement.
How will I know how to use my oils?
As they say, there’s an app for that. Our global team of essential oil educators collaborated to create a custom mobile app that provides ongoing, on demand education to ensure you get the most out of your oils. I’ll also be here to support you along the way as Qs pop up - think of me as your holistic fairy godmother who wants nothing more than for you to feel incredible.
“Nature has blessed us with a treasure trove of sweet-smelling liquid essences, gems with many facets. Hold one to the light and admire its antimicrobial features, turn it again and recognize its anti-inflammatory benefits, turn it again to see how it can positively affect mind, mood, and emotion. Each essential oil, like a prism, contains a rainbow of possibilities.
We cannot but admire the ability of essential oils to operate effectively not only on the biochemical, cellular, physical level, but also in the emotional, intellectual, spiritual and aesthetic areas of our lives. They provide a system of healing that is in total harmony with people, who are themselves multifaceted.”
- Valerie Ann Worwood, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy