Why Can’t This Be Enough?


“Why can’t this be enough?” a simple antidote to disconnection (in the form of a question, duh - huge question fan right here)⁣.

We all know those moments well...⁣

▶︎ The mindless reach for the device. ⁣
▶︎ The consuming of things that the body isn’t asking for / doesn’t vibe with. ⁣
▶︎ The urge for stimulation as soon as a sense of quiet reveals itself. ⁣
▶︎ The pull to say “yes” to invitations out of FOMO or people-pleasing. ⁣
▶︎ The wild broken records that the brain tries to play on repeat. ⁣
▶︎ The list goes on...⁣

Because the antidote to disconnection is gratitude for what’s present right here, right now (even if it’s just our breath). And all we’ve gotta do is ask ourselves the right questions to find the real answers (then rinse and repeat). It’s such an ease-filled way to rewire our brains for connection with the goodness of life. ⁣

Enoughness is the natural state of humans and the earth, the rest is just decoration or distraction.