Finding Connection in Chaos


I’ve been quieter than usual over here for a bit - spending time going inward so I can ensure I’m responding to all of this change from a place of presence instead of reacting out of fear.⁣

The last thing I ever want to do is add to the noise when it won’t be helpful, or to project any of my inner anxieties onto the outer world. That energy just doesn’t serve.⁣

I’ve been leaning harddd into mindfulness, breathwork + oils - my favorite reminders that I can find ease and gratitude even when things feel huge + scary. One moment, one breath at a time - truly the best.⁣

But something that’s been clearly highlighted for me, that may serve you too, is that I’ve really noticed how there’s a bright light shining on any false senses of security that we may have been taking for granted.⁣

Maybe it’s employment at a company + the complacency that grows from feeling like you have a “secure career” w/ a steady paycheck + possibly even benefits to rely on. This can blind us from the fact that when we’re employed by someone else, all of that can be taken away at a moment’s notice without warning or reason.⁣

Maybe it’s expecting that a loved one will always be there, forgetting how precious these human lives of ours are + realizing how much we’ve been neglecting our meaningful relationships in favor of stuff that doesn’t fulfill us, but keeps us busy.⁣

Maybe it’s relying on outside sources to create + provide things that we feel are necessary for everyday life, and feeling powerless + terrified when we don’t have access to them anymore.⁣

And the list goes on, but all of these point to us being part of / reliant on a system that’s crumbling before our eyes. One that favors profits over people and the planet. One that’s simply not sustainable and relentlessly distracts us from what’s important.⁣

So, amidst this uncertainty + suffering, may we choose to remember how to be resourceful, resilient, creative, loving + present. May we remember how to dream our own dreams + believe in them. May we remember that fostering a connection with our inner self is a sense of security that’s never false + can always be relied on. May we remember how powerful each of us truly is.