Exercising Discernment


Loves, how are you exercising discernment these days? ⁣

The info coming at us is fast and furious and, depending on the source, it may or may not have our best interest at heart. ⁣

So, what are you doing with all these pieces of info once they land in your lap?⁣

Are you looking to your default outside sources as authorities and accepting their “facts” at face value? ⁣

Or are you choosing to take in info from various sources to get a well-rounded perspective, staying open and curious, and then checking in with your own inner wisdom to feel for what resonates as the truth within? ⁣

I think so many of us have forgotten that we’re vibrational beings in every sense of the word and that energy is literally everything. Our bodies are fine-tuned to detect the truth, we’ve just been intensely programmed to forget about and disconnect from that innate human superpower (because it makes us easier to control and manipulate). ⁣

One of the most empowering and important things we can do on an individual level (especially right now) is to stop grasping and clutching onto what we think we know, and open up to what the truth feels like in our body when we come into contact with it. ⁣

The more we hone those personal superpowers, the closer we get to true freedom and clarity on all levels.

P.S. Though my goal is never to tell anyone how to live their lives (but rather to tap into their own inner guidance to connect with their individual path) - I’d highly suggest questioning any sources of info that discourage you from thinking freely/critically on your own - or who censor others from sharing their truth. Because if they didn’t have anything to hide, they’d have no motivation to try to convince you to buy into their narrative. Know what I mean?⁣