"Can I soften?" ◐ Part 1

In this time of heightened change and instability, our ego is on a constant lookout for threats. Because of this, our default may be to retreat turtle-style into our hardened, protective shells! But what if this shell is doing more harm than good, and what if our softness isn’t actually a threat to survival, but one of the most necessary components of it? Today we explore what might happen if we bring a quality of softness, even to our triggers and most challenging situations.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"What's my vibe?" ◑ Part 2 with Elizabeth April

Today Elizabeth April joins us to dive deeper into the wild world of quantum physics! We talk about reaching higher vibes by getting un-stuck in loops of sacrifice and survival, being present (really present) with reality and appreciating everything that encompasses a moment, surrendering into your power, and why you’re so much greater and more powerful than you may think! Buckle in, this is going to be a wild ride.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"What's my vibe?" ◐ Part 1

Talk quantum physics and vibrational frequency to me, baby! Did you know, just like a radio, we can tune into specific frequencies to access all sorts of different information? How cool is that?! Today we’ll be exploring working with vibration in ways that can benefit the highest good of all (and I think we can probably agree -- if there was ever a time in our lives this work was needed, it’s now)!

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I open?" ◑ Part 2 with Brittany Eastman

Today Brittany Eastman joins us to further explore what it means to live with an open heart and mind. We’re covering everything from the struggle of translating feelings into words to navigating the differences between being open and having a lack of boundaries. Brittany shares why she believes the only consistency is truth and even if your beliefs change, and one of the bravest things to do is to admit “I don’t know”. Bonus: how does our Human Design reflect our own unique approach to openness?

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I Open?" ◐ Part 1

Do you live with a truly open heart? Do you approach life with wonder and acceptance of what’s happening in the moment, or do you find yourself clinging to the desire for answers, assurances, and explanations? Today we’re talking about openness and why it’s opposite, constriction, may be the underlying source of all human suffering. 

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I resilient?" ◑ Part 2 with Mary Heaven

Having had her own resilience tested since she was in the womb, Mary Heaven joins us to help illustrate the connection of body and spirit in our innate resilience. Mary shares why she believes we have the ultimate agency in our own healing, and how even in times of uncertainty, when we access the breath and trust that it’s safe for us to experience (and re-experience) certain emotions, we can strengthen our own resilience. Bonus: the benefits of placing tuning forks on a certain part of the body, and why sea salt baths can promote sleep!

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I resilient?" ◐ Part 1

The personal resilience of everyone is being tested in a huge way right now. The way we’re living, business as usual, the world as we know it has come to a grinding halt and we’re sitting in limbo with no clue how this will all unfold. We know resilience is essential to cope with the chaos, but where does it come from? Are we born with it? Do we learn it? Does it only come with experience and repetition? Today we explore this topic in depth. Stay tuned ‘till the end when we go through a simple practice you can keep in your back pocket in times when you feel your resilience could use a little boost.

This moment in time can be like a crash course in cultivating resilience if we choose to let it be.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"What's my agenda?" ◑ Part 2 with Bridget Prütz

Bridget Prütz joins us all the way from NZ to shed some more light on agendas; how she defines them, how to spot hidden ones, and the importance of clearly defined values for establishing clear ones. Casey and Bridget talk about the strangeness of life in self-quarantine, and discuss how we owe it to ourselves to constantly check in with our values and corresponding agendas as circumstances may require them to evolve and change.  

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Casey Von Iderstein
"What's my agenda?" ◐ Part 1

Today we’re talking agendas. No, not the personal schedule kind, but rather the underlying motivations behind our thoughts and actions that are always kind of hanging around in the background. You know, the ones that can sometimes be hidden when we get the sneaking suspicion there may be more behind the words coming out of someone’s mouth? While we’re all guilty of this from time to time, one of the greatest gifts we can offer each other is to show up with clear, pure agendas with intentions that not only serve ourselves, but the rest of humanity as well. 

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Casey Von Iderstein
"How do I feel?" ◑ Part 2 with Heather Waxman

When it comes to feelings, it’s no secret some people feel things more strongly than others. For highly sensitive people, it may be a little messy to sort through which feelings are ours, and which ones are we may be processing for others. Today, Heather Waxman teaches us how to untangle overwhelming emotions by owning where we stop and other people start through asking the simple question: “Who does this belong to? Return to sender: consciousness attached”. 

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Casey Von Iderstein
"How do I feel?" ◐ Part 1

We are all innately sensitive beings. Have you ever walked into a room and felt what was going on in there before your eyes and brain have had the time to take it all in? The thing is, humans actually have upwards of 20 senses; surprised? It’s no wonder! We’re so programmed to focus on the “black and white”, logical areas of life rather than the more “gray” emotionally complex ones. Our minds want to be in control and make sense of things. But if we can lean into our feelings and remove the shame around expressing ourselves, we can start to tap into the innate wisdom only the body’s feelings and sensations can provide.

So how, really, do you feel?

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Casey Von Iderstein
"What am I creating?" ◑ Part 2 with Heather White

Today Heather White joins us to talk about living creatively and how her “blue sky” thinking has propelled her to start multiple successful businesses and cultivate a sense of belonging in both her personal and professional life wherever she goes. This conversation will inspire you to partner confidently with the co-creator of your destiny -- the universe -- to live life widely and wildly without fear of the unknown.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"What am I creating?" ◐ Part 1

Do you consider yourself a creative person? The truth is, creativity isn’t just reserved for the arts. It’s really the most natural thing in the world; at its core, creativity is about bringing things into existence. To be creative is to be alive, and to be alive is to be creative. You’re the only person in the world who has the power to create your own thoughts, feelings and actions. But creativity has enemies: predictability and complacency being two of them. Today we’ll be discussing the struggles and triumphs of living creatively, how to not fall victim to decision fatigue (or compassion fatigue), and how to keep a beginner’s mind when faced with new situations and challenges.

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Casey Von Iderstein
“Am I nourished?” ◑ Part 2 with Tara Bliss

Today we’re diving deep into what nourishment really looks like on an individual level with guest Tara Bliss. From working with her team to surfing the coasts of her homeland in Australia, Tara takes us through what nourishes her and why it might look different for others based on our own unique Human Design. Tara and Casey talk about the importance of recognizing our tell-tale signs of when certain areas of our life get depleted so that we can nourish ourselves back to wholeness, keeping in mind that what nourishes one person may not nourish another -- nourishment is personal, after all!

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Casey Von Iderstein
“Am I nourished?” ◐ Part 1

Have you ever heard the saying “energy flows where attention goes” or “the grass is greener where you water it”? The truth is, the areas of life we nourish expand. Today we’re talking about the importance of taking self-inventory to identify the different areas of your life that need nourishment, and reclaiming your personal power to make choices that nourish the different ‘buckets’ in your life.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I here, now?" ◑ Part 2 with Makenzie Marzluff

Today we continue the conversation about presence with Makenzie Marzluff, founder of Delighted By Desserts and Kakao Ceremonial Drinking Chocolate. From living consciously while pursuing success to ways we can make choices in our personal and professional lives from the heart, Makenzie and Casey discuss the importance of giving attention to the present moment even when life tries to pull us in a million different directions. 

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I here now?" ◐ Part 1

Have you ever bought something you didn’t really need? Ate something that you knew would make you feel terrible? Been caught up in a social media scrolling cycle that sucks hours out of you day? It's common for us to distract ourselves enough to feel numb to the important stuff. The thing is, in order to feel truly alive, we must open ourselves to the entirety of the human experience. Today Casey talks about the importance of being in the here-and-now, and gives us important tools for anchoring ourselves to the present moment.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I out of control?" ◑ Part 2 with Ellie Seilern

Am I? Are we? Today we ask (and attempt to answer) this question on Come Alive’s very first guest episode with Ellie Seilern! From being curious about what the universe has in store to having the courage to create space for vulnerability in our lives, Casey and Ellie get real about all things “control”, and ultimately, why it’s OK to not always have all the answers.

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Casey Von Iderstein
"Am I out of control?" ◐ Part 1

Have you ever stopped to think about how you relate to the concept of control in your life? Get ready to tackle some big questions surrounding the perceived control (or the lack thereof) each one of us has on our own journey. In this episode, Casey opens up about living with chronic anxiety and what it has taught her about control and trust, and details the difficult but definitely worth it process it took to start this podcast!

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Casey Von Iderstein
Come Alive: Introduction

Welcome to Come Alive! If you’re new to around here, you’ve found the perfect place to begin. Come Alive is all about curiosity-fueled living; conversations, explorations, and experiments in opening our hearts and minds to the unknown. 

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Casey Von Iderstein