Welcome to Come Alive!
Your new favorite curiosity-fueled corner of the interwebs. I’m so happy you’re here.
Before we dive into the goods, it probably makes sense to start off with just a little backstory.
This whole thing has been an idea - or spirit - that's been revealing itself and flowing through my daily experience for, well, probably lifetimes - but more specifically for this past year. It’s been tapping me on the shoulder, whispering in my ear, cracking my heart wide open, and also honestly putting me through the ringer - as all good teachers do. And, my hope is that it’ll do the same - or similar - for you, too!
Here's the thing - if there's one thing I know for sure about life, it's this: everything changes - and the more we accept and open to that fact, the more alive we feel. Our entire universe is made up of natural cycles and seasons, and if mama nature decided one day that she would rather stop in her tracks and start resisting change, we'd straight up cease to exist.
Essentially, change is life and life is change.
And the same thing that happens in nature, happens on the micro human level, too - if we resist change, we suffer, but if we learn to embrace it, we thrive.
I'm constantly exploring how I can experience life more fully. I love asking myself new questions, thinking about things from different perspectives, reminding myself to reconnect with all of my senses, instead of the very narrow, known world that my mind likes to try to keep me wrapped up in.
I'm interested in opening myself more to what feels true in this moment, instead tightly clutching to those old, moldy beliefs and patterns that were passed down to me from the fearful voices of the outside world.
And, maybe most importantly, I try not to take myself too seriously in the process. Being overly serious saps the aliveness right out of our bodies, so it's really important to approach any type of personal reflection with a playful, childlike vibe if you really want to reap the benefits.
On the flip side, a question other people seem to be constantly asking me is: "How did you get to where you are today?" And by no means are they asking me this because I'm some giant success story, but instead because I made a conscious decision to stop following the status quo (which had left me super anxious and drained) and start carving my own path (which inspires and energizes me).
Many people seem to think they want a clearly outlined path from point A to point B so they can simply follow the steps to a new way of living - but, based on my personal experience, I've got something way more fun (and effective) in mind.
Everyone's path is different, and me sharing my exact steps won't serve you in getting to where you personally want to be - but I do feel there's a way to reverse engineer the process of finding your own next steps on your unique path, and uncovering the modes of personal expression that feel authentic to you as an individual. And that process involves sharing personal experiences, hearing different perspectives, asking powerful questions, and having fun by taking it all lightly.
In a nutshell, when I think about the key to a well-lived life, and having the best, most fulfilling time while we're on earth in these bodies - and, very importantly, not getting to our deathbed with regrets - I believe that curiosity-fueled living is the answer. It's all about constantly asking ourselves the right types of questions so we can allow life to flow through us freely. It's about:
⌇ Stepping out of rigidity and into fluidity.
⌇ Checking in with nature instead of our newsfeed when we need to tap into life-enhancing wisdom.
⌇ Moving away from judgments and expectations and towards awe and wonder.
⌇ Letting your own personal experience of life be your teacher, instead of blindly following some guru placed high up on a pedestal.
⌇ And focusing on fully embracing our own lives instead of trying to control how others live theirs.
That's how we can grow together and squeeze the most juice out of the stuff that's actually important.
To me, living curiously seems to be the only real way for us to truly come alive.
⌇ This is an invitation to flip the autopilot switch off, and all of your senses on.
⌇ To put your personal power firmly back into your own hands (where it belongs).
⌇ And to unlock the full experience of aliveness for yourself.
Each month, we'll explore a specific theme, in the form of a question - in a few different ways:
On the 1st of each month, I'll share some of my own personal explorations and experiences with the theme in a solo episode.
On the 15th of each month, I'll introduce you to a guest so we can riff on the theme together and explore it from different angles (and hopefully have lots of laughs in the process).
Online Self-Study Program:
On the 1st of each month, a new module will launch that’ll ask you to put on your scientist goggles so you can start experimenting and diving deeper with the theme in the context of your own life experience.
The components of each module will add so much depth and richness to the two monthly podcast episodes. They’ll contain:
A beautiful grounding breathwork meditation to create a safe container for your self-study
Simple, powerful tools that you can leverage to create a daily ritual and bring your personal practice deeper
Thoughtfully-crafted journal prompts and experiments that’ll ask you to explore how you personally relate to the theme over the course of the month
Education around an optional essential oil that you can use as an aromatic anchor as you create new life-loving neural pathways
An awesome, private (non-Facebook) space to cultivate community, ask questions, share experiences, and connect with your Come Alive fam
Also! Past modules will always be available on-site, so you can feel free to revisit specific content whenever you feel called