Essential Oil OFFERINGS

These powerful plant allies remind us of who we innately are and how to restore balance to our mind, body, and spirit.

We can simply twist off the lid of a little glass bottle, take a deep inhale, and feel a sense of remembrance that we humans are nature, and coming into deeper connection with plants and the rest of the natural world is the most harmonious, effortless way to restore well-being.

Our body's understanding of how to interact with natural elements, like essential oils, is as instinctive as breathing, but the mind enjoys to have some structure around how to use them safely and effectively - and that's where I come in - to answer your questions, provide guidance, and share resources so you feel supported and confident to use your oils as much as you feel called.

Though essential oils are incredibly efficient and potent for supporting physical health, my favorite facet of them is their ability to assist us in navigating the energetic and emotional ebbs and flows of life. They give us a true sense of empowerment to fearlessly face whatever comes our way with an open, resilient heart. And emotional health is an incredibly important (yet often overlooked) precursor for physical health, so it's all interconnected anyway.

There are a few unique ways that we can work together in this area:

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Custom Blend Consultation:

These consults are inspired by the beautiful melodies of flower essences that many homeopaths create for their clients based on their energetic needs during particular moments in time and seasons of life.

During our 30 min together, we'll discuss your intentions and what you'd like the oils to assist you with, and then I'll intuitively craft a bespoke blend (in a 10ml roller bottle) and pop it in the mail to you. I'll also include your personalized recipe, so you can easily recreate it at home again in the future, along with suggestions for how to incorporate it into your days (though your intuition always knows best, of course).

If you already have the essential oils in your collection (or if you live outside of the US), I'll create and email you an outline of each of the oils in the blend, along with your custom recipe, so you can easily mix it up at home.

Simply connect in with your current intentions and fill out this form, and I'll reach out to get something on the schedule.

  • Price with Roller Blend: $77 + shipping (within the US)

  • Price without Roller Blend: $55 (you’ll receive your goodies via virtual download)

Aroma Point Therapy™ Consultation:

This stunning modality, Aroma Point Therapy™ (APT), is based on the application of properly-diluted essential oils on acupoints, energy centers/chakras, or reflex zones in order to create a transformative shift in the mind, body, and spirit.

Gentle in its application, yet profoundly potent in its effects - it harnesses the deep wisdom and energetic potential of both nature and the human body to create positive change through alchemy.

Using APT in personal practice connects you deeply with your own felt sense, and allows you to feel resourceful and empowered around the emotions and energies that you experience in daily life. It also deepens your connection to plant spirits in indescribable ways, which is very rad in its own right.

During our 30 min together, we'll discuss your intentions and what you'd like the oils to assist you with, and then I'll intuitively craft an APT protocol for you, with a specific sequence of 3 oil + acupoint combos.

If you already have the essential oils in your collection (or if you live outside of the US), I'll create and email you a detailed outline of the sequence so you can start practicing at home. If you don't yet have the oils, I can either bottle up pre-diluted 3 ml droppers of each of the 3 oils for you and pop them in the mail, or you can purchase full-sized bottles of each of the oils at a 25% discount.

  • Price with Pre-diluted Oil Dropper Bottles: $77 + shipping (within the US)

  • Price without Pre-diluted Oil Dropper Bottles: $55 (you’ll receive your goodies via virtual download)

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Oil Collection Creation + Ongoing Education:

Just dipping your toes into the world of essential oils or rekindling your relationship with them after a long break? I’d love to help you weave these plant pals into your life in the ways that feel most supportive to you.

Simply fill out this form, and we can connect to get you set up with exactly what you need. Plus, when you purchase essential oils through me, you’ll gain access to our incredible custom mobile app - chock full of free workshops and resources, lovingly-created by our global team of essential oil educators.

  • 30-min Consultation Price: $35 (this is simply to hold your time slot, your $35 will be refunded upon purchase of your essential oils)

DIY Oil Collection Creation + On-Demand Education:

Rather go the DIY route with learning about essential oils and building your own collection? Beautiful! Rock on with your free-spirited self and allow your intuition to guide the way, knowing that I’ll be here to support you if and when questions arise along your journey.

Simply click the button below to dive into lots of helpful info and links - then choose your own adventure from there.

P.S. When you purchase essential oils through me, you’ll gain access to our incredible custom mobile app - chock full of free workshops and resources, lovingly-created by our global team of essential oil educators. A DIY-oilers dream!

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Join Our Team of Essential Oil Educators

I have such deep gratitude to have an arm of my business that's focused on empowering beautiful humans with essential oils. Throughout the constant change and evolution of life, it's served as a guiding light, and has gifted me with incredible connections, learning experiences, stability, empowerment, and freedom (not to mention, a badass arsenal of the earth's finest remedies).

It's like being in business with mama nature herself and serving as a voice box for the gifts that she offers - and I can't think of many things that are more nourishing than that.

If reading this is sparking something inside you, I invite you to dive deeper with me.