Skin Benefits of Rosehip Oil


A month or so ago I started feeling like my normal face moisturizer was a liiiiittle too heavy for the summer months (don't worry, Juice Beauty, I still love you), and wanted to opt for something that felt a bit lighter, but was still super nourishing.

Since I use essential oils on my face all-day-erryday it seemed like the natural choice would be to grab something that could act as a carrier oil (helping the absorption of my EO's), but also had its own long list of skin and health benefits.


I've been eyeing up rosehip oil for quite some time now, so it seemed as good a time as any to give it a spin. And GUUURL, these hips don't lie (it actually says that on the bottle, cute points for dayz).

It feels light, but gives me all-day moisture, absorbs quickly, and gives my skin a really nice glow.  Plus, it's incredibly inexpensive as far as organic skin products go.

P.S.  It's also awesome for your hair and scalp - especially if they're dry.

As far as how to use it - I've been applying a thin layer to my face, neck, and upper chest, and then rolling on the miracle of the skin gods - a.k.a. a blend of essential oils called Immortelle every morning and night (if you want this in your life hit me up for deets on how to get a sweet-ass discount).

In the fall/winter when there's less humidity in the air I'll probably add a light layer of moisturizer over this combo.

Organic rosehip oil + Immortelle are the dream team.

Okay, now let's talk about why these little rosehippies are so effing awesome.

Rosehip oil comes from wild roses, but since it isn't made from the flower, but the actual seeds inside the berry-looking hips (these are left behind after all the petals fall off), it doesn't smell flowery (rose essential oil does, though).  It has a really nice neutral, kinda earthy smell.

When selecting, always ensure it's organic, doesn't have any fillers or additives, and the darker the color, the better.  A darker color indicates that it was cold pressed vs. heated and processed to death.  We want all those healing properties intact!

Also, keep it in a cool place away from direct sunlight so it doesn't go rancid on you - it's a delicate little oil.Now for more details on what it can do for you:

Reduces signs of aging:

- Vitamins A, C and lycopene penetrate deep into the skin where they put their antioxidant superpowers to work combating free radicals, increasing collagen production, and promoting healthy cell growth and repair - thus improving skin tone, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and providing lots o' hydration.

Repairs damaged skin:

- Essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6, and 9 stimulate cellular regeneration which repairs scars, eczema, age spots, burns, hyper-pigmentation, and stretch marks.

Soothes Inflammation:

- Vitamin E has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which hydrates and calms dry, inflamed skin (which is great for times when you get too much sun).  It also provides a bit of protection from the sun's harmful rays (but don't rely on this as your only form of sun protection).