Body Oil: My Current Recipe


If you haven't jumped on the body oil/aromatic dressing bandwagon yet, whatchu waitin' for, gurl?!Totally lost, and wondering what the heck I'm talking about? No problemo, hop right over here to get the 411.

Once you're all caught up, I want to share my new fav aromatic dressing recipe with you. It's majorly anti-aging, detoxifying, toning, and ah-mazing smelling (people legit stop me in the street to tell me how good I smell). Plus, this one doesn't have any citrus oils in it, which is muy importante in the summer - because citrus oils can cause photosensitivity, and sunburns aren't cool.I've also added some fun carrier oils to the mix to add even more skin and health benefits.  Here's the lineup of ingredients and the goodness they bring to the table:

Essential Oils:

  • Frankincense for cellular regeneration, reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system, anti-aging effects, and increasing the efficacy of other essential oils.

  • Lemongrass for detoxifying the body, supporting digestion, toning + purifying the skin, and shedding excess water weight.

  • Geranium for skin + muscle toning, wrinkle smoothing, cellular regeneration, acne soothing, reducing inflammation, balancing hormones, and detoxification.

Carrier Oils:

  • Fractionated Coconut Oil for its fast absorption and non-greasy moisturization of the skin.

  • Jojoba Oil for its ultra-hydrating, anti-aging, nourishing, and anti-microbial properties.

  • Rosehip Oil for reducing signs of aging, repairing damaged skin, and soothing inflammation.

Internal and external health benefits, for the win! When selecting your oils, you want to be sure that the brand you're using has super strict purity and potency standards (because, sadly, all oils are not created equal, and many contain some health-robbing toxins, fillers, and synthetics - gross).  If you want some guidance on how to select high-quality oils to ensure you're reaping all of the intended health benefits and avoiding the toxic nasties, drop me a line here.Now, time for the super-easy DIY!Ingredients:

  • 10mls of carrier oil (I've been doing 1/3 fractionated coconut oil, 1/3 jojoba oil, and 1/3 rosehip oil)

  • 2 drops pure, therapeutic grade frankincense essential oil

  • 2 drops pure, therapeutic grade lemongrass essential oil

  • 2 drops pure, therapeutic grade geranium essential oil


  • Dry brush your entire body (skip your face unless you have a face dry brush), starting at your feet and making upwards strokes towards your heart center

  • Hop in the shower to wash off dead skin cells and impurities

  • Once out of the shower and dried off, add your carrier oil + essential oils to small bowl (or mix up a bigger batch in a glass bottle, I make these in 2 oz batches for ease of use)

  • Starting at your feet, massage the aromatic dressing upwards towards your heart (don’t forget to tell your body thank you and that you eff’ing LOVE IT – because it’s amazing).