Immune-Boosting Superheroes


If you follow me over on da 'gram (Instagram, that is), and you're hip with what "Instagram Stories" are - chances are you've joined me for some installments of my "52 Weeks of Oils Series" - and if you haven't hop on over there and join the fun, yo!

And if you're sitting there like, "What the heck is '52 Weeks of Oils'?" - here's the Cliff's Notes version for ya.  Basically, my goal is to share bite-sized tips and tricks to help your expand your personal (non-toxic) wellness toolbox.

Each week, on three different days I hop on my Insta Story to share goodies about health benefits of a specific essential oil, essential oils that target a particular health concern, DIYs for non-toxic versions of everyday products, etc. - you catch my drift.  It's fun - and sometimes there are surprise guest stars. What's better than surprise guest stars?!

Anywho, a few weeks ago I shared my favorite essential oil trio of all time: Frankincense, Oregano, and a Protective Blend called On Guard. I got lots of requests for the protocol afterwards, so I wanted to share them here for peeps to refer back to!  These three oils boost my immune system better than anything I've ever experienced - and trust me, I've tried more holistic immune-boosting remedies over the years that I'd care to admit.

I haven't been sick since I started using this combo (almost two years ago), because every time I feel like I'm starting to come down with something, I start applying these STAT and the icky feelings are squashed.  The hubs is officially hooked on these guys too - he even has his own little roller bottles to use when he's feeling the germs creepin' in.

Here's the protocol that I'm obsessed with:

  • 1-2 drops Oregano on the bottom of one foot (diluted with a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil to decrease skin sensitivity)

  • 1-2 drops On Guard on the bottom of the other foot

  • 1-2 drops of Frankincense rubbed into the lymph nodes on the sides of neck / under chin

When I'm starting to feel under the weather I'll apply these 5x per day, as it's best to keep small amounts of essential oils in your system consistently throughout the day instead of a large amount all at once.

I'll normally continue this for 2 days max because the oils address the root problem of what I'm experiencing which makes my symptoms vanish quickly.  Also, Oregano works as a natural antibiotic - and it's an oil that you want to use in short spurts (rather than on a daily basis), so I only use it when I need some extra immunity oomph.

The thing I love most about addressing immune system concerns (and all other health concerns, really) with essential oils is that they work at a cellular level on the root of the problem- so they actually provide long-term relief with no side effects when used correctly.  Plus, they're incredibly powerful, and totally non-toxic.

Totally different to the over-the-counter meds many of us are used to taking, right?  Those synthetic, additive-filled "remedies" just mask symptoms for a little bit while our immune system tries to fight invaders on its own.  And most of them come with a long list of side effects - so while our nose stops running and our throat stops stinging for a couple of hours here and there, we're putting ourselves at risk of a whole list of other health problems.  How crazy is that?!

Okay, now back to my immune-boosting three musketeers!  Each one of these guys is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-nasties, basically - but let me give you a quick little rundown of why each of them are the bomb for functioning at 100%.


  • Supports healthy immune function, powerful cleansing and purifying agent, high in antioxidants, supports healthy respiratory function and digestion

On Guard:

  • Supports healthy immune function, protects against environmental threats, boosts mood and energy, promotes healthy circulation and respiratory function, incredibly high in antioxidants


  • Supports healthy cellular function, extremely anti-inflammatory, soothing to the nervous system, promotes feelings of peace and well-being, supports healthy respiratory and digestive function, soothes pain

Peace out, germs - and happy immune boosting, flamingos!  Here's to weeks, and months, and years of health. ❤️ 

P.S. If you'd like to connect 1:1 to chat through any oil-related questions, drop me a line at 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  The information contained on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.