Low-Sugar Bliss Balls



I posted these gems over on the 'gram yesterday, and after receiving quite a few recipe requests I figured I'd make it easy on everyone and post it right here.

In case you didn't see my original post, I'm not a coffee drinker (I know, this is horrifying to most people), so if I'm in need of a little jolt of energy I need to look elsewhere.

A couple of my favs for these purposes are kombucha, matcha, superfood-packed smoothies, or - if I'd rather chew on something - bliss balls.

I know you die-hard coffee enthusiasts out there think nothing could give you a shot of energy the way a strong cup of joe can, but seriously guys - I challenge you to try these and see how they make you feel.

I had a big green smoothie and two bliss balls for breakfast on Sunday of last week and I had so much energy I felt like I had to run laps in my backyard like a wild animal to get it down to a normal level.

The thing I love about these is that even though they give me tons of energy - it's not that jittery, teeth grinding, manic energy that I get from coffee.

They also don't dehydrate you the way coffee does (it's a diuretic), and they're packed with superfoods, plant-based protein, healthy fats, and Omega-3's.

Also, I've made bliss balls with medjool dates in the past, but I made these puppies sans-dates to cut down on the sugar content.  Dates definitely make them chewier + sweeter if that's what you're in the mood for.I'm a huge fan of all things crunchy, so I don't miss the dates in these guys.  It's whatever floats your boat - FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!

Makes:  18 - 20 bliss balls

Ingredients: (Always organic, if possible)

  • 1/2 cup chia seeds

  • 1/4cup unsweetened desiccated coconut

  • 1/4 cup cacao nibs

  • 6 tbsp almond butter (unsweetened)

  • 2 tbsp peanut butter (unsweetened)

  • 6 tbsp hemp protein powder

  • 6 tbsp raw cacao

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 2 tbsp raw honey

  • 2 tbsp virgin coconut oil (melted, warm not hot)

  • Dash of pink Himalayan sea salt

  • Dash of cinnamon


  • Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl, form into balls (1.5" - 2" in size), and roll in more desiccated coconut (or other fun things of your choice).

  • Pop 'em in the fridge until they set up (about 2 hours), and get ready for some tasty, nutrition packed pick-me-ups!

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