Mindful Munchies: My Morning Potion


I've gotta admit, I've been resisting posting this recipe for eons because I'm fully aware of how insane and elaborate it is (and I always want to encourage peeps to keep things simple), but since this is one of the top 3 things that people ask me about on Instagram, I figure I've gotta give the people what they want! Even if that means pulling back the curtain on the fact that I'm a card-carrying crazy potion lady. Eye roll all you want, this magical mixture makes me feel freakin' incredible, and that's what life's all about.

It's taken me a long time to perfect it - and I still tweak and switch it up as time goes on, it's my daily science experiment. Fun!I drink this instead of eating breakfast - it's packed full of nutrients and healthy fats, and it keeps me full, focused, and vibin' high until lunchtime. This is also an integral part of my morning practice. I sit down, set an intention, drink this, meditate, pull oracle cards, apply essential oils, and journal. The cacao that's in my morning potion is ceremonial grade, it's incredibly heart-opening and is really powerful for opening up your creative channels.

I'm not gonna get all up in the health benefits of each of the potion components in this post - I picked each of the different ingredients to target specific personal health goals - so I'd recommend that you do a little research to see if the things I use match up with your desired effects (the Sun Potion website has lots of great nuggets o' wisdom).  Only you know what your body needs and what makes you feel your best. Tune into it, babe!

So, without further ado, here's Johnny (a.k.a. my morning potion recipe):



  • Pop all the ingredients in a blender and add hot water - blend for 30 sec or so, until it's well combined and frothy

  • Drink and smile like a madwoman, because it's the best taste and feeling in all the land

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