It's Here! My New E-Course, Self-Care Essentials


Regardless of what, how, or if you celebrate, I hope you've been giving and receiving lots of love this holiday season. ❤️

These past few weeks have felt like a blur of birthday celebrations, holiday parties, meals out at restaurants, and time spent hanging with loved ones. All great things, of course - but as someone who craves a whole bunch of quiet time to recharge the batteries, I'm definitely looking forward to settling back into my personal routines and rituals (they just feel so damn good).Kyle walked upstairs this morning after running a few errands to find me on the couch with my laptop, my morning potion, a few oracle decks, music playing, all the diffusers running, and the fire on and just smiled and said, "This is a Casey day."

It sure is, love - it sure is. And dayummm, does it feel good to turn my energy inward after directing so much of it outward these past few weeks (and before heading away for another weekend of entertaining friends - I'm an extroverted introvert, what can I say).

Through lots of experimenting, I've discovered the things that make me feel my absolute best, and, using those as guideposts, I've designed my days to be ultra-nourishing and ultra-incredible-feeling for me personally.

It's like I have this whole customized toolkit of things I can pull from whenever I need to come back home to myself.  Simple tools that make me feel instantly more centered, grounded, creative, and like me again. It's a beautiful thing.

So, I guess rather unsurprisingly, one of the things that people ask me about the most is my daily routines and rituals. People are craving less stress and more space in their lives, deeper connection with themselves, more meaningful relationships, greater purpose behind their actions. You know, the juicy stuff.

People just wanna feel gooooood. Which makes sense, because our feeling state is actually the primary motivating factor behind the choices we make. We seek pleasure and avoid pain. And, if we're tuned into it, our feeling state can serve as an internal GPS that's always whispering the directions in our ear (straight from the soul).

The thing is, I can (and do) share the self-care routines, rituals, and tools that I use to find and maintain my state of joy and alignment - but I also know full well that the things that are right for me may not be right for you, so I always encourage people to do some experimenting of their own and take note of the things that work.

Even though self-care is super personal - many people crave structure around creating their own toolkit of things to pull from. I'm asked all the time about how I figured out my routines and rituals - and the truth is, for me, the process looked a whole lot more like a big, jumbled squiggly line than a straight line from point A to point B.

I've spent more time in front of a blank journal page with a pen having no idea where to start than I care to admit, I tried all sorts of different forms of meditation and exercise only to be left feeling restless or disconnected from myself, I fumbled around with essential oils, oracle decks, crystals, and the like - and I've felt like I had no idea how to craft a spiritual practice like I see so many of my peers doing.

Crafting my self-care practices was, at times, frustrating AF - but now that I've got it down to a carefully-curated science, it's honestly the most rewarding thing I've ever done for myself because not only do my they have the ability to quickly shift my feeling state, but they've also allowed me to foster a deep sense of self-love and peace that never felt attainable before.

And through all that inner work, plus work with my clients - I've created a solid formula to guide you through crafting your very own, personalized self-care routines, rituals, and toolkit, and I've housed it in a beautiful 5-week online course that I could not be more excited to share with you!

Let me take a moment to introduce you to this gorgeous light-beam of a course:

Self Care Essentials: Creating Incredible-Feeling Rituals for Long-Term Health + Happiness.

SCE is a guided 5-week journey into connecting with yourself, what makes you personally feel your best, and crafting rituals that will contribute to your alignment, health, and happiness in the long-run (no unsustainable quick fixes or painful crash diets here).

The goal is to arm you with the tools to feel super empowered around living your best-feeling, most meaningful life.

You'll find all the important deets covered in the link above, and if any Q's pop up that aren't addressed - just reply to this email and I'm here to answer any Qs you have!If this sounds like just the way you want to kick off 2018, I'd be absolutely honored to walk alongside you on this journey.

P.S. There's an option to get the entire course for FREE, don't miss those details - towards the bottom of the page.