Polenta with Mushrooms, Shallots + Poached Egg


When it comes to getting dressed in the morning, I pretty much always end up throwing a giant scarf around my neck before walking out the door.  I don't know what it is about them, or how this habit started - it just makes my outfit feel more complete and now I basically can't live without them.  An old coworker actually used to call me "SCARF!" - so that gives you a little extra insight into the Casey/scarf relationship.

When it comes to food, I substitute eggs for scarves. They are hands down my favorite thing to add on top of a meal to make it THAT much better (the perfect egg-cessory if you will - sorry, had to).

I mean, what's better than slicing your fork through a perfectly-cooked egg and mixing the yolk in with the rest of your food to make a warm, gooey sauce?  (I'm drooling as I type this.)  It takes any meal to a whole new level, you guys!

Alright, enough about eggs (for now), and on to this little polenta number.  It's one of my favorite things to whip up when I need to make something out of nothing.  I seem to always have eggs, shallots, mushrooms, and polenta on hand - and this combo makes the perfect last-minute meal.  ALSO, I typically always have black truffle butter in my fridge (I know - bizarre), which I mix in while cooking the veggies - and oh my gaaad it's heaven.  It's hard to tell that I just whipped some random things out of my fridge and pantry to make this because it just tastes so damn fancy.

A little request re: polenta - please pinky promise me that you will always, always, always buy organic.  This not only goes for polenta, but anything that you buy that contains corn.  Over 85% of all corn in the US is genetically modified - and GMO's absolutely wreak havoc on your health and the environment (more on this in a future post).  If you're buying corn and it doesn't explicitly say the word "organic" on the label, don't buy it at all.

Having polenta on hand is a great thing because it creates an amazing base for millions of different food combinations - plus, it can be warm and creamy, or firm and crispy depending on how you prepare it. Super versatile.  Give this baby a try and let me know what you think in the comments below! 

Polenta with Mushrooms, Shallots + Poached Egg

Serves 4 

Ingredients:  (Always organic, if possible!)

- 1 lb sliced mushrooms (pick your favorite kind, I love to use an assorted wild mushroom blend)

- 2 large shallots

- 4  eggs

- 1 cup polenta

- 1 cup raw parmesan cheese

- 3 tbsp butter

- 2 tbsp ghee 


- Cook polenta per package instructions (typically:  Bring a pot of water to a boil, Pour dry polenta into boiling water, Whisk until the mixture has thickened, Turn down the heat to low and continue whisking, Cover and continue to cook for about 30 min stirring every 7-10 min, Add in cheese, butter, salt + pepper, Serve)

- Fill an additional small pot with water and a splash of white vinegar and bring to a boil (this is for the poached eggs)

- While polenta is cooking, melt 2 tbsp ghee (or truffle butter!) in a skillet on medium, then add in mushrooms and shallots (season with salt + pep), cook for about 10 min, or until the veggies have slightly caramelized

- While the veggies are sizzling away, start on the poached eggs, I personally love Alton Brown's method or (you can also add a fried egg on top if you want a little crunch - yum!)

- Once all of the components are cooked, spoon polenta into the bottom of the bowls, layer the mushrooms + shallots over that, add the eggs on top, finish off with a sprinkling of parm, salt + pep, and serve immediately! 

Health Benefits:


- Improve immune system function

- Boost metabolism with B vitamins

- High in antioxidants

- Rich in vitamin D 


- Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal

- Reduces cholesterol production + blood pressure

- Regulates blood sugar

- Rich in antioxidants

- High in vitamins and minerals

- Soothes nerves

- Aids digestion 


- Rich in protein (due to extremely high amino acid content)

- Contains every B vitamin

- Reduces inflammation due to omega

-3 content

- High in minerals 


- High in antioxidants

- Regulates blood sugar

- Improves digestive function

- Decreases risk of cardiovascular problems
