fertility blend

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I’ve found that the best recipes tend to be handed down via anecdotes, person-to-person, based on first-hand experience that’s collected over time and matured into embodied wisdom.

This recipe is no different - it was passed on by a sweet woman sitting next to me at a dinner years ago. She excitedly shared that her daughter, and multiple other woman that she knew that had been struggling with their own fertility, used this blend and became pregnant within a month or so.

I’ve shared her recipe with multiple clients over the years, and have heard similar success stories - so I wanted to pay the favor forward and share this magical blend here, for all to enjoy.

A little about the overarching energies of the three incredible plant allies in here: Cypress, Myrrh, and Clary Sage.

Cypress welcomes in the divine feminine energies of fluidity, creativity, and flow, decongests stagnation and blockages, and encourage a deep sense of trust in life.

Myrrh restores and deepens our sense of connection to the archetype of the mother - and mama earth herself (and supports the resolution of any conflicts with these energies), and promotes feelings of being nurtured, nourished, safe, and unconditionally loved.

Clary Sage opens the mind and broadens horizons to welcome in new possibilities and dreams, supports clarity of spiritual vision, connection to intuition, and discerning between truth and illusion - and instills a grounded sense of hope and limitless potential.

A little side note: I started studying Aroma Point Therapy a couple years after I received this recipe, and was able to locate to corresponding acupoints, in case that makes the protocol easier to follow - it’s a sequence from Stomach 25 (ST-25), to Zǐgōng (Palace of the Child), to Conception Vessel 7 (CV-7) and back again. I made a simple little diagram of the points for ya below.


  • Cypress essential oil

  • Myrrh essential oil

  • Clary Sage essential oil

  • Fractionated coconut oil

  • 10 ml glass roller bottle (I love amber and other darker colors to keep light out + preserve the potency of the oils)

fertility blend.png

Usage Idea:

  • Add 15-20 drops of each essential oil to an empty 10 ml roller bottle

  • Top off the rest of the bottle with fractionated coconut oil, then add on the roller bottle and cap and turn the bottle up and down gently for about 30 seconds to combine well

  • Apply the blend 3x per day in a W shape:

    • Starting at ST-25 in line with the belly button (if you drew a line generally upwards and a little bit inwards from the ovary on that side)

    • Moving down to Zǐgōng, the ovary on the same side

    • Moving up to just below the belly button, Conception Vessel 7 (CV-7)

    • Moving down to Zǐgōng on the opposite side

    • And finally, moving back up to ST-25 on that same side

  • As with everything related to health, consistency is key (also, stop using this particular blend during pregnancy)

These opinions and statements expressed on this blog have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information contained on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.