"Can I soften?" ◐ Part 1

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In this time of heightened change and instability, our ego is on a constant lookout for threats. Because of this, our default may be to retreat turtle-style into our hardened, protective shells! But what if this shell is doing more harm than good, and what if our softness isn’t actually a threat to survival, but one of the most necessary components of it? Today we explore what might happen if we bring a quality of softness, even to our triggers and most challenging situations.

Get on the waitlist for the Come Alive Self Study Program: comealive.love

Elizabeth April’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/elizabeth.april/?hl=en

Elizabeth April's Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Pdep93CKklB-WAMpJXN5w

Elizabeth April's Website:  https://www.elizabethapril.com/

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Instagram: @KarmicWellness

Casey Von Iderstein