"What's my vibe?" ◑ Part 2 with Elizabeth April

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Today Elizabeth April joins us to dive deeper into the wild world of quantum physics! We talk about reaching higher vibes by getting un-stuck in loops of sacrifice and survival, being present (really present) with reality and appreciating everything that encompasses a moment, surrendering into your power, and why you’re so much greater and more powerful than you may think! Buckle in, this is going to be a wild ride. 

Get on the waitlist for the Come Alive Self Study Program: comealive.love

Elizabeth April’s IG: https://www.instagram.com/elizabeth.april/?hl=en

Elizabeth April's Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Pdep93CKklB-WAMpJXN5w

Elizabeth April's Website:  https://www.elizabethapril.com/

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Instagram: @KarmicWellness

Casey Von Iderstein