11 Health Benefits of Lemon Oil


Side Note: I sat down and wrote the title of this article and then jumped up like a crazy fiend to grab my bottle of lemon oil and put a drop under my tongue. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

WHEW! Okay, kids - NOW I'm ready to write.

I've been a long-time fan of lemons (slightly obsessed), and I use them in cooking, drinks, etc. as much as humanly possible, so it's no surprise to anyone that I love lemon essential oil - a lot.

We recently found out that Kyle's allergic to lemon juice (the horror!), and it was causing some scary stuff to happen with his throat while eating, which has thrown a bit of a wrench in my lemon-loving gears.

Luckily, even though I can't cook with lemons as much, I can still personally apply, drink, and inhale lemon oil on the regular because I just can't live without it.

Lemon essential oil comes from cold-pressing lemon peels - that's where the really good stuff lives.  It takes about 45 lemons to make just a teeny 15 mL bottle of oil - how wild is that?

As with all citrus oils, lemon oil is uplifting for the senses, and has even been used in office spaces to increase productivity + efficiency, while reducing the amount of errors made by employees with much success.

It's also anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-septic, anti-tumor, and anti-depressant, so it's easy to see why this oil is beneficial to our health in so many ways.

Like most essential oils, lemon oil can be used aromatically (best for emotions), topically (best for skin + some internal concerns), and internally (best for internal concerns).  If you're going to be consuming oils internally, you need to be really specific about the brand of oils that you use to ensure they're pure therapeutic grade and are safe for internal use (drop me an email if you have questions on this).

One quick note before I jump into the benefits - citrus oils increase photo-sensitivity - which means you shouldn't apply them topically before being exposed to direct sunlight (unless you're into that sun-burned, skin-damaged look ;) ).

And away...we...GO!

1. Boosts Detoxification + Lymphatic Cleansing

Due to its high antioxidant levels, lemon oil boosts immune system function, cleanses the lymphatic system, detoxifies the organs (reducing the risk of kidney and gall stones), and can reduce likelihood of premature aging + disease.

2. Facilitates Healthy Digestion

Lemon oil is your digestive system's BFF.  It stimulates the release of digestive juices, boosts the body's toxin-releasing powers, promotes nutrient absorption, calms the stomach, promotes the release of gas, and reduces heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, + vomiting.

3. Promotes Weight Loss

One of the most exciting things about lemon oil is that it helps your body flush out toxins that are stored in your fat cells, which can aid your body in losing those last few stubborn lbs and reducing cellulite. It's also a great metabolism booster, energy increaser, and appetite suppressor.

4. Reduces Congestion

Lemon oil is great for your respiratory system - it cuts through excess mucus, calms coughs, and has the ability to soothe allergies with natural antihistamine properties.

5. Balances Emotions

Uplifting to the mind + body (especially when inhaled), lemon oil helps fight feelings of depression and reduces stress and anxiety while boosting energy levels.

6. Soothes Inflammatory Conditions

In addition to improving the detoxification process, lemon oil helps decrease pain and inflammation levels within the body, which decreases the occurence of Rheumatism, Arthritis, and Gout.

7. Reduces Varicose Veins

Lemon oil is great for supporting healthy circulation, which helps keep veins healthy and smooth-looking.  Lemon oil's effects are especially powerful for varicose veins when paired with cypress oil, which strengthens and supports healthy vein walls.

8. Revives Skin

Due to its anti-septic properties, lemon oil is great at resolving minor infections of the skin.  It's also has astringent properties which helps strengthen + firm skin, while decreasing acne + balancing oil secretions.  Remember not to go out in direct sunlight after using lemon oil topically as it can increase sun sensitivity.

9. Improves Concentration

Great for times when you need to up your concentration levels, lemon oil improves focus, alertness, and cognitive performance.  These properties are enhanced when combined with rosemary oil which also helps with memory retention.

10. Cleanses Air + Surfaces

Due to its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-septic properties, lemon oil is an amazing cleanser for surfaces, air, drinking water, and produce.  It also removes stuck-on adhesives, gum, and grease like a charm.

11. Refreshes Laundry

Ever left your clothes in the washer for too long only to find them smelling musty? Add a drop or two of lemon oil before you run the washer and avoid that nastiness!  Adding a drop or two to wool dryer balls will also freshen your laundry and add an extra level of purification. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  The information contained on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.