The Detoxification Station


Detox.  That word is popping up everywhere right now.


It seems that every email, social media post, exercise class, and display at the supermarket is catering to all of us who savaged an abnormal amount of unhealthy food + drinks these past few weeks.

Did we have fun chowing and slurping everything in sight?  Hell yeah!  Do we currently feel bloated, sluggish, and nagged by a twinge of regret for some of our recent unhealthy life decisions? Most likely.

Since the vast majority of us have consumed way more inflammatory foods and toxins than we typically do, our bodies are out of whack.  Our organs and internal systems are practically begging us to let them chill for a bit so they can recalibrate, flush out the bad stuff, and get back on track.

I hate to jump on the bandwagon and throw one more "New Year, New You" post in your face, but my body is craving a reset, and I thought that I'd share what I'm planning on doing in the New Year in case you'd like to join.

A big group of the incredible health coaches, healers, personal trainers, and fitness instructors that I work closely with are doing this program together.  Sharing is caring, people!

Don't worry, it's not a diet.  To me, "diet" is a dirty word.  Diets aren't sustainable, and they're definitely not fun - and those are two deal-breakers for me.

This is a true detox that's designed to allow your body the time and space to actually flush out the toxins that it's been storing (many of them cozy up in your fat cells for years if you don't give your body tools to flush them out - gross).

This also isn't a juice fast.  This detox includes cooking and chewing and a huge variety of delicious, cleansing foods that you can choose according to your preferences.    It's going to be super fun, and you'll learn a ton of new recipes in the process - it even includes grocery lists to make it as easy-peasy as possible.

Along with a whole slew of awesome, clean, whole food, we're going to be incorporating high-quality supplements and essential oils to clear out and reset the digestive tract, replenish vital nutrients, flush toxins from fat cells (resulting in shedding stubborn extra pounds), squash inflammation, recharge the metabolism, and give the overall detoxification process a much-needed boost.

On top of all that, there are a bunch of super-helpful resources and info that come along with the detox program, like pre-detox guidelines, self-care rituals, recipes, a food diary, a private Facebook group for support + community-building, and education on nutrition + wellness.

All of that juicy stuff comes absolutely free once you've made the commitment to yourself by placing your order for the supplements + oils.  It's a totally insane value - I couldn't be more pumped to get started.

Want to join in on the fun? Email me at and I'll get you all set up.  It officially starts on January 4th.

Wishing you a toxin-busting, soul-nourishing New Year!
