It's Here! Mindful Essentials: Self Care + Beauty


I know I haven't shared much about this publicly, but I've been working behind the scenes on creating something super special for you. I go a bit silent when I'm holed up in the creativity cave!

Today I'm launching the first in a series of four eBooks called Mindful Essentials!  

This first edition is all about mindfully simplifying and detoxifying your self care + beauty game.

The inspiration for this came from the common theme that weaves its way through almost all of my client conversations - how to reduce the huge amount of clutter and toxins that weigh on the mind, body + spirit.People are craving simplicityconnection, and empowerment around their own physical and emotional health - and the fast-moving, consumer-driven culture we're living in is constantly pulling us in the opposite direction.

My answer to this? Stripping everything back to the absolute basics - the tried and true solutions that actually work, and creating space in our lives for the things that really matter. When we detox our lives and have space to breathe, we can show up fully in the world. And the world needs the specific brand of magic that we each bring to the table.

The info, DIY's, and practices that I'll share throughout this eBook series are centered around the two biggest game-changers in my and my client's daily lives: mindfulness practices and essential oils. These are the absolute simplest, most powerful tools to weave into your routines - and the shifts that I've witnessed as a result of integrating them have been mind-blowing.

Things you'll find in this first edition of Mindful Essentials:

  • The Power of Mindfulness

  • The Power of Natural Alternatives

  • The Truth About Toxins

  • Non-Toxic Self Care + Beauty DIY's

  • A Powerful Mindfulness Practice to Pair with Your Self-Care

So, without further ado - here's how to grab your copy of Edition 1: Mindful Essentials: Self Care + Beauty: 

  • If you're not currently a newsletter subscriber, click here, fill out the form, confirm your subscription, and the download will magically land in your inbox!

  • If you're already a subscriber (I love you!) and you actually got first dibs, so this bad boy was emailed your way the second it launched.

I can't WAIT for you to dive in, and I'm so psyched to hear all about your new, high-vibe self care practices! Definitely keep me posted on how everything's going.