Raw Macaroons


Ahhh.. macaroons.  They're like chewy, coconutty, little clouds of heaven.

The only problemo with them is that they're usually filled with refined sugar or sweetened condensed milk and make me feel like crap.

THESE little raw balls o' joy do quite the opposite - they taste exactly like the macaroons you know and love, but instead of making you want to curl up in a ball, they leave you feeling light and energized.

When's the last time you heard someone use the words "light and energized" when referring to a dessert?  Also, when's the last time you had a dessert that has no gluten, dairy, eggs, or refined sugar?  It's a dessert revolution!

On the coconut front - coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal, and is full of healthy fats (a great source of energy).  It boosts the immune system, improves skin health, and supports healthy brain, heart and thyroid function. And coconut meat is an amazing energy booster, optimizes brain function, lowers bad cholesterol levels, and boosts heart health.

Almonds are full of antioxidants, and they're your heart's best friend - they lower bad cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease, regulate blood fat and blood sugar levels (also reducing the risk of diabetes).  They also promote weight loss and boost energy levels.

Anyway, if you wanted to bring these along to a party, you can totally make them well in advance and freeze them.   Also, I left them naked for the photo above, but I fully intend on dipping half of them in melted dark chocolate before serving.   OHHH BABY!

Makes:  16


  • 2 1/2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut

  • 1 1/2 cups almond meal

  • 3 tbsp virgin coconut oil

  • 2 tbsp maple syrup

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • Pink Himalayan sea salt


  • Put all ingredients in food processor for approx 3 minutes (or until well combined).

  • Scoop mixture into a bowl and pack down tightly with a spatula, then use an ice cream scoop to make uniform-sized macaroons (put into a container or baking sheet that will fit in the fridge/freezer).

  • Place container/baking sheet in fridge for 2-3 hours to let the macaroons set.

  • Dip them into melted dark chocolate if you want to add a little extra somethin' somethin'.

  • If you make these ahead of time, you can easily freeze them for a few days to keep them super fresh. They're delish served at room temp.
