Roasted Delicata Squash


I've been a member of the butternut squash fan club for quite some time, and once I saw adorable little rings and half moons of an heirloom squash called delicata across the interwebs, I knew I had to give them a try.

The squash rings end up looking like a little kid's drawing of a flower - I mean, they're almost too cute to eat.

This is one of those recipes that I can't really even call a recipe - and that's because this squash tastes so good that I didn't dare mess it up with too much seasoning or fanciness.

Sure, you could add some rosemary, or thyme, or maple syrup to the mix.  You could cut them lengthwise like little canoes and fill them with grains and veggies.  You could do all sorts of stuff - but this recipe is for the purists (and also the people that want to cook up something really tasty and nutritious with the teeniest bit of effort on their part).  The first time I made them I piled them high with some sautéed kale and shallots and finished it off with an egg on top (obvs).

Next time you're invited somewhere and asked to bring a side dish - whip these up.  Their flavor will go with just about everything, and they look impressive, AND only you will know that it took you 20 min flat to make them.

They taste amazing, by the way, I actually prefer their flavor and texture to butternut squash - they're sweet and buttery and velvety.ALSO, you can eat the skin of delicata squash.  Anyone who has struggled and nearly fainted or lost a limb peeling and cutting a butternut squash will understand how important that piece of the puzzle is.

Last but not least, these babies are packed with antioxidants, have serious anti-inflammatory benefits (omega-3's!), boost the immune system, help regulate blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Now, let's ROAST!

Ingredients:  (Always organic, if possible!)

  • Large delicata squash

  • Avocado oil

  • Pink Himalayan sea salt

  • Pepper


  • Preheat your oven to 425°.

  • Wash squash and then cut in half width-wise.

  • Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds and stringy insides (just like a pumpkin).

  • Slice squash into 1/2" rings, then lay flat on a baking sheet coated with avocado oil. Season the delicata rings with salt + pep before putting them into the oven.

  • Let cook for about 10 min before flipping the rings over, then season the opposite side with salt + pep and let them roast for another 7 min or so, until they're golden brown.

  • Put them onto a serving dish and enjoy while they're hot!
