Three Things


This week's edition of Three Things is all about balance, brains, and boobs (sorry, bros!) - what more could you need in life?

I hope you're having a freakin' magical week so far.  Take a couple minutes for yourself to breathe deep, kick back, and enjoy these little linkity links below:

Giving myself fist bumps for my 2016 goal of dominating headstands after reading about the serious health benefits that come along with regularly going upside down.

Wanting to hug the stuffing out of every Buddhist monk ever because I love them so much.  No one can explain complicated concepts more simplistically (and adorably!) then them. Loving this super quick vid about how to tame your monkey mind so you can meditate anytime, anywhere.

Ending my quest for the perfect bra after finding LIVELY.  They're equal parts pretty and comfy - plus, I got three of 'em for only $75 total.  How is this real life?!