Well-Being Series: Allison Dryja


WELL-BEING[Well, adj., In good health |  Being, n., The nature or essence of a person]

The Well-Being Series is all about spotlighting people who are really nailing the whole health + wellness thing.  Each of these incredible humans is giving us a peek behind the curtains at why and how they lead a high-vibe, holistic life. There's no one-size-fits-all way to be well, and they're here to prove it.  Life's one big experiment, so feel free to try their nuggets o' wisdom, rituals, and tips on for size and see what fits.  Now it's time to meet this week's Well-Being legend, Allison Dryja.

Meet Allison:

Allison is a Divine Embodiment Coach who empowers women by helping them love and listen to their bodies. She believes that reconnecting with our bodies is especially important as we step into our power as women and take more active roles in bringing healing balance to the planet.

Allison offers group and 1x1 coaching for women who struggle with emotional eating, embracing their femininity, feeling pleasure, or who are simply looking to rekindle a loving relationship with their body. Allison also teaches yoga and leads monthly Full Moon Circles.

Don't miss her upcoming program - starting on September 20 -Mind Body Moon, a 6-month Self-Study on Our Bodies and the Moon. It sounds freakin' DIVINE.

How do you define well-being?

Well-being is living in alignment with your highest self, showing up 100% to life, and providing yourself with the support and nourishment you need to feel fully alive.

What's your big "WHY" in life? Why do you do what you do?

When I discovered how to break free from emotional eating, my life completely changed. It’s like I went from living in black and white to color. I feel compelled to share what I learned with other people who may be feeling stuck around food and looking for a way out.

Two truths and a lie. Ready... go!  (Lie revealed at the end of the post.)

I’ve watched my laundry get eaten by a skunkI know how to fly a planeI lived in Vietnam for a year

When and why did leading a holistic lifestyle become important to you?  Was there something specific that sparked your journey?

The biggest turning point for me was when I hadn’t gotten my period in over a year and I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). I was prescribed medication, but decided to try a holistic approach before taking it. Luckily within a few months, I got my period back, and it’s been consistent ever since! In the process of curing my PCOS, I cultivated a much more loving relationship with my body and food.

For people who are just dipping their toes into the health + wellness pond - what's the first simple thing they can do to get started?

Slow down and relax enough to feel. The key to any kind of health and wellness journey is the ability to stay in touch with yourself, to hear your intuition, and to access your truth. All this is much easier when we’re moving slowly, taking deep breaths, and dropping from our heads into our bodies.

What are your daily self-care rituals?

I try to keep it really simple: I meditate for at least 10 minutes and I move in a way that feels good for about an hour every day (running, walking, dancing, or yoga—it depends how I feel). I notice if I commit to too many rituals, I easily end up beating myself up for falling short. Keeping my expectations simple and manageable is important.

Are there components of your self-care that can be easy to skip/let slip? Do you have any tricks to get yourself back on track?

Good question! Yes, it’s very easy to avoid meditating and exercise. Just staying in touch with how I feel and being honest with myself about what would make me feel better helps me get back on track if I fall off. Meditating and moving my body have a positive impact on every single aspect of my life, and just being aware of that helps keep me doing them. But if I do forget, I try not to beat myself up, and instead get curious with why something else seemed more important.

What's something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I have a bit of a wild side and really like to party and have fun with my friends! It’s not always popular among health and wellness people, but going out, drinking some wine, laughing and dancing till late at night makes me really happy—even if it means I’m tired every once in a while. :)

What makes you feel on top of your game?

When I help someone have a breakthrough. When I guide someone in realizing something they hadn’t thought before that helps them on their healing journey. It nourishes my soul to watch people grow.

They say laughter is the best medicine - what makes you laugh the hardest?

I have some amazing friends that make me laugh hysterically, usually when they’re doing impressions, making pun jokes, or just being goofy. Honestly, it doesn’t take a lot for me to laugh. I laugh all the time.

What do you love to do or create at home to make you feel great?  Could you share a favorite recipe/DIY/exercise/meditation?

Going for a walk outside and connecting with the trees makes me feel great. Being around trees helps me drop out of my head, relax, and remember the simplicity of life. Sometimes I place my hand on a tree trunk and just feel the energy of it, which really grounds me. I also might ask the tree a question in my mind and “feel” the answer from the tree. I’m usually in awe of what I hear.

What do you want to be remembered for?

I want to be remembered for my ability to love. To love other people, to love myself, and to help others love themselves.


Grab a free copy of Allison's e-book "The Emotional Eating Survival Guide" when you sign up for her newsletter - click here to get your paws on this gem!

Connect with Allison: 

*Two truths + a lie - The lie = Allison knows how to fly a plane.)*