All I Want For Christmas is #lolz


How do we know it's the holidays?  Inboxes are overflowing, calendars are jam-packed, there's shopping and wrapping and gift giving to be done, Christmas carols are (temporarily) the soundtrack of our lives, and the list goes on.

Long story short, we've got a lot going on right now.  Even if it's all good stuff, many of us are still feeling a little frazzled. (Found yourself searching for your car keys for 10 min only to realize they're in your hand lately?)

I'm all about simplifying, so I obviously don't want to add anything unnecessary to your plate (and I won't!), but you know what is necessary?  Taking a break to stop and laugh and come back into the moment.

I had a call with my team last night (have I told you how obsessed with them I am?) and it was all about finding our alignment, our flow, our zone of genius.  Alignment should feel like joy, ease, and freedom - when you enter that space, your best ideas appear and you do everything with a sense of vision and purpose.

Alignment is different for everyone - it can be found at the beach, during yoga class, while cooking, while watching hilarious videos, during meditation, while dancing, while taking walks in nature, during a spa treatment, while reading, while chatting with your bff, while writing, while teaching, etc.  I mean, alignment can come in any form that speaks to you, and you'll know you've found it by how you feel when you're doing it (i.e. you'll feel eff'ing AWESOME).

We made a list of the things, places, people, etc. that bring us into that place of alignment - and you know what?  It was the best list EVER.  Every single thing on my list brings a feeling of freedom and a smile to my face. And I'm using that list to guide my 2017 goals - because why even bother having a goal if it doesn't bring you joy?

Anyway - laughing at funny shit makes me feel incredibly aligned - and what easier way to hopefully bring some of that feeling to you than to round up a few super fun, funny holiday-themed videos for you to watch?  #LOLZfordays

So take a sec for yourself to press the pause button, and align yo'self before proceeding with your holiday fun!

VIDEO 1:  Look at the tree!

VIDEO 2:  All I Want for Christmas Carpool Karaoke

VIDEO 3:  Stefon on Holiday Travel
