Well-Being Series: Devin Donaldson


WELL-BEING[Well, adj., In good health |  Being, n., The nature or essence of a person]

The Well-Being Series is all about spotlighting people who are really nailing the whole health + wellness thing.  Each of these incredible humans is giving us a peek behind the curtains at why and how they lead a high-vibe, holistic life. There's no one-size-fits-all way to be well, and they're here to prove it.  Life's one big experiment, so feel free to try their nuggets o' wisdom, rituals, and tips on for size and see what fits.  Now it's time to meet this week's Well-Being legend, Devin Donaldson.

Meet Devin:

Devin began The Optimist Co. in her cottage kitchen after suffering an asthma attack while cleaning with a leading “green” cleaning product where she saw the lack of truly safe products on the market.As a natural optimist she was not afraid of a challenge, creating a line of truly natural cleaning products with easy-to-recognize ingredients which have gained a national following.Her glass cleaner was named a “Best Cleaning Product of 2016” by Family Circle Magazine. Devin was recently recognized as a “40 under 40” honoree by Cape and Plymouth Business Magazine and is an active educator and speaker on chemical free cleaning and wellness.

BONUS: Devin's offering you guys 15% off your next order using code: KarmicWellness at checkout (offer valid through May 30th, 2016)!

The Optimist Co.

The Optimist Co.

How do you define well-being?

I believe well-being starts by listening, to your mind, body and the energy you give back to others to find the right mix of choices, habits and thoughts that create your best life.

What's your big "WHY" in life? Why do you do what you do?

I realized business as usual was not going to work when I had the asthma attack from a leading “green” cleaning product. I had a quite a few skeptical looks when I shared with family and friends that I wanted to create safe cleaning products and share the recipes. This idea might be disruptive but it’s just common sense. Think of how much easier it would be to make safe, healthy choices for the products you use daily if you knew the company was completely transparent on their ingredients and process.My "why" is making a positive impact for both the environment and our health. That is good business!

Two truths and a lie. Ready... go!

(The lie is revealed at the end of the post.)1. I grew up on a pumpkin farm2. I was voted Most Quiet in high school3. I served in AmeriCorps

When and why did leading a holistic lifestyle become important to you?  Was there something specific that sparked your journey?

I became focused on my own wellness more strongly when I became pregnant with my first child, really thinking about how I eat and the products I use.Now that my children are 3 and 5 I look at my wellness as a way to model a healthy life and I can do a better job caring for them when I take a little time to care for myself. I am a much better mom, wife and friend when I carve out time for my own wellness. A better business owner too!

For people who are just dipping their toes into the health + wellness pond - what's the first simple thing they can do to get started?

Step one is to listen to your own body and mind and get clear on what is not serving you and then pick one thing to focus on that is a quick win! It could be as simple as eating more fruit or stretching. Once you feel successful you can take on the next personal project.When I wanted to start a meditation practice I used an app that helped talk me through it, where I could set short times to get started. In time the talking actually became distracting, then the background sounds and now I enjoy time in complete quiet. What you learn along the journey is just as important as the goal.

What are your daily self-care rituals?

One of my new favorites is stretching at night. Now that I am in my early thirties and had two children, my body has gone though many changes. I also sit a lot for work and this time at night to get my blood flowing and muscles relaxed helps me sleep and feel refreshed for the next day. I mix some yoga poses in as well depending on how my body is feeling.I also wash off my makeup as soon as my kids are in bed to start winding down the day. You need to know your own clock and what works for you. I am a morning person and far more productive at 5 am then at 9 pm so starting my evening routine a little early helps me get to sleep early. I take sleep very seriously because I know when I am not rested I am not my best.

Are there components of your self-care that can be easy to skip/let slip? Do you have any tricks to get yourself back on track?

With my kids activities and husbands busy travel schedule it can become difficult to get to the classes I enjoy, including yoga. I try to avoid too many weekend kids activities to fit in a yoga class, but during some times of the year this can be difficult.When I get busy and feel off track I start to try and do 15 min. a day of activity. We all have 15 min, and feeling successful at this holds me over until my schedule allows me to fit in more and it keeps me moving! This is as important for my brain as well as my body. There are also many great people to follow on Instagram with quick workouts to do so its a fun way to try something new as well.

What's something people would be surprised to learn about you?

I do almost all of our product photography. If I am not personally in the photo there is a good chance I took it. I considered becoming a product photographer at one point and love experimenting with new ideas. I think it is important to always be learning new things and photography brings me a lot of joy.I love to come up with an idea in my mind and bring it to life with the camera. It’s a great way to challenge my creativity in new ways and also mix up my weekly routine. Some of my best ideas for the business are after I had a few hours in my studio. I usually keep a pen and paper near by to jot down notes.

What makes you feel on top of your game?

Time with our customers! I can get really wrapped up in the running of our business and it is important to stay connected to what got you started in the first place.I love doing events where I can be in front of our customers and also hold GreenUps in our customer's homes to share my journey and educate on how to clean without chemicals. I don’t do a lot of those, but try to schedule one a month to keep that connected feel.

They say laughter is the best medicine - what makes you laugh the hardest?

My kids! My girls are 3 and 5 and they always have the best stories or funny things to say. My three year old is very silly person and keeps the whole family laughing. I try and find the humor in our daily routine. I always say if all of the laundry is done we need to drop everything and go have some fun! It’s so easy to get caught up in our to-do list and lose the big picture.

What do you love to do or create at home to make you feel great?  Could you share a favorite recipe/DIY/exercise/meditation?

Here's my recipe for DIY natural body wash -


  • 1 cup Organic Castile Soap

  • 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup water (add more water if you have sensitive skin)

  • 15 drops of essential oils:

    • Try 10 drops Lavender, 5 drops eucalyptus for an awakening experience (especially great for colds and allergies)

    • Try 10 drops rosemary and 5 drops mint for a refreshing summer wash


  • Mix all ingredients together and store in a mason jar or reusable container.

  • To use place about a 1 to 2 teaspoons of the mixture on a natural sponge or washcloth.

What do you want to be remembered for?


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I would like to be remembered for living a life of joy and brining joy to all I do. I think joy is a practice, just like optimism, and often it does not come easy. It’s not something you have 100 percent of the time but can use as an anchor to get back on track.When I feel stressed, overwhelmed, angry or negative I just say, "joy" and I am reminded to take a step back and change my approach. Connect with Devin:*Two truths + a lie - The lie = Devin was voted Most Quiet in high school. She was actually voted most talkative!*