seeking safety


If we’re looking to the outside world to help us establish feelings of inner safety - it won’t. 

We can read, and think, and watch, and listen, and consume, and talk ‘til we can’t anymore, but we’ll never find what we’re so desperately searching for out there.

True, soul-satiating safety can only be found and cultivated in one place - the scared stillness and silence that always exists within. 

If we turn our back on our inner world, we live a distracted, dissociated half-life - our power moves further and further out of reach.

But when our soul is gifted the space to stretch, to unwind, to relax, to blossom open - we start remembering our innate wholeness and we stop unconsciously grasping at straws of “safety” with our arms and our minds. 

This is when we finally have room to settle into the body, our personal living library of wisdom, to connect with our energetic essence - the very vibration that’s co-creating our experience of life in real time. 

We can finally open our senses enough to taste true safety, to breathe it, to smell it, to hear it, to anchor it into our every cell. 

We finally remember that we’re here to live and to feel all of it - and that we can trust in the unfolding of of our lives implicitly - because life loves us unconditionally. 

We finally realize that the experience of true safety might not look and feel how we expected it to at all - because maybe we’d been chasing a fantasy born from the outer world that kept us from experiencing the alchemy of coming truly alive within.

We finally understand that safety grows from trust, and it lives in the body, and each life experience presents a new opportunity to nurture and strengthen it through presence and practice.