Wellness Overview

If you haven't found time to book in your complimentary Wellness Overview yet, simply send a note to the person who helped you set up your wholesale account to get that on the calendar. This session is personalized to you and your individual health goals, and is designed to ensure you feel totally comfortable using your oils and you get the absolute most out of them.


The dōTERRA Essentials

Here's a handy digital version of the incredible booklet  at you received with your first order. This covers all of the basics - from sourcing, to safety, to usage, to the therapeutic benefits of each of dōTERRA's oils and products. Such a great resource to refer back to time and time again. You can also check out each of the individual product information pages here.


Online Community + Education

The Essential Oils Starters Facebook group is for all of the oil lovers that have been introduced to the oils by someone from our team of essential oil educators. It's a great place to seek education, find inspiration, and interact with our community. Our goal is to make you feel as supported as humanly possible on your journey.