

to the

Come Alive

Self-Study Program

Let me start by saying how grateful and honored I am that you’ve decided to join us for this little curiosity-fueled living adventure. I’m psyched to witness the unfolding of this for everyone that decides to join this life-loving community.


Before we jump into all the goods, I want to quickly set the stage for how this’ll all work, so you can easily navigate the program from the get-go.

Now that you’ve logged into your account, you’ll notice that the member area you landed on before you clicked through to this page houses the main navigation for the program.

You can always come back to this Welcome! Start Here page when you need a refresher of the info we’re covering right now, and here’s a glimpse into what you’ll find in the other member areas:

  • The Podcast: Let’s Chat area houses the Come Alive podcast feed, so you can easily access episodes whenever you’d like. Note: each month we’re focusing on one theme and centering question, and there will be two podcast episodes that explore it in different ways: one solo episode with me that’ll go live on the 1st of each month where I’ll explore some of my own personal experiences with it, and one episode with me and a guest that’ll go live on the 15th of each month where we’ll have a fun chat and explore the theme from another angle (variety is the spice of life, after all). You’ll be getting email reminders about these, too - so don’t stress about missing them (just make sure you add to your Safe Senders list to avoid any possible SPAM snafus). 

  • The Resources: Dive Deeper area is where we’ll be curating different simple, powerful tools that either come up in podcast episodes or are shared by people within our community. We wanna keep all the good, helpful stuff at our fingertips so our self-study practice feels streamlined and fun.

  • The Community: Conscious Connection area is where you can go to connect with all the other rad Come Alive members. I intentionally chose for us to have a private community, within the walls of this membership, to create a sacred space away from the noise and distractions of social media. True connection requires presence, and this feels like a great way to foster that together.

Okay, now that we’ve done a little housekeeping, let’s continue!

One of the most fundamental components of fully experiencing aliveness is to express ourselves in a way that’s truly authentic to us as individuals.

Over the course of our lives, we pick up all sorts of fear-based beliefs and programming from the outside world, and if we leave it unchecked, we allow other people’s voices run our show. 

After all, our subconscious programming takes charge of our thoughts, feelings, and actions a whopping 95% of the time (and on average, 70% of that programming is negative or disempowering). 

This is why it’s important to shine a light on how we express ourselves to the outer world, how we truly feel in our inner world, and how we can remove our personal obstacles to feeling like a fully-integrated, whole version of ourselves. 

When we give ourselves a chance to become aware of what’s holding back our full authentic expression and feelings of aliveness, we can make new choices that align us with our truth (and experience SO much more freedom and life as a result).

To reverse-engineer this process, we’re gonna use some familiar planetary symbols as our guides: 


Even just simply bringing our awareness to the discrepancies between our outer and inner expression, and considering how we could align them has the power to create enormous shifts, so you can fall back on these simple symbols to help bring you back to your center whenever you’re feeling a little disoriented.

For these exercises to be as potent as they’re designed to be, it’s essential that you’re 100% honest in your responses. No sugar-coating, no spiritual bypass, no shame, no judgments - just pure truth and acceptance about where you are on your path right now (because it’s exactly where you’re supposed to be). Honesty is the only way we can bring awareness to what’s not working and figure out exactly what needs to be shifted - otherwise we’re just playing pretend. 

We’re getting in the practice of getting super curious and opening our awareness to the limitless possibilities that are available to us (many of which we typically forget to take into consideration), and allowing that awareness to continue to expand and ripple out into all areas of our lives. 

In each journal prompt that you’ll explore in our monthly modules, there will be opportunities to give your initial answer to a big question (whatever pops to your mind first) and then move deeper through its layers to uncover what you may not notice at first glance. Don’t pass on the opportunity to dive deeper - the more curious you are, the more life you’ll experience. Leaving stones unturned because you’re scared of being temporarily uncomfortable will actually just move you further away from your best-feeling life (tough love, I know).

Last but most certainly not least - remember, self-study can stir up feelings of resistance and discomfort at times, but try not to get wrapped up in being overly serious (that’ll just deplete your feelings of aliveness). The more you choose to treat this like a fun, wildly-fascinating experiment the more you’ll get out of it, and the more life you’ll allow to flow through you (and that’s what we’re here for, after all). 

This Come Alive party is about to be LIT! Hop on over here to start exploring your first module.